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>> oil escort <<
Our Massage Oil is a stain resistant, coconut oil based, fragrance-free oil This escort uses sesame oil, and it is recommended as part of any daily routine because it rejuvenates and revitalizes the physiology.It produces a youthful influence for the skin and helps to balance. oil escort 
 Start with cold-pressed sesame oil, available from your health food store. Ideally, the oil should be "cured" before using (by heating slowly to the boiling temperature of water, 212 degrees F, and cooling). The oil should be warmed each time you use it. 
2. Use the open part of your hand (rather than your fingertips) to escort your entire body. In general, use circular motions over rounded areas (joints, head) and straight strokes over straight areas (neck, long bones). Apply moderate pressure over most of your body and light pressure over your abdomen and heart. 
3. Start with your head. Pour a small amount of oil on your hands and vigorously escort it into your scalp. With the flat part of your hands, use circular strokes to cover your whole head. Spend more time massaging your head than other parts of your body. 
4. Next, escort your face and outer ears, remembering to apply a small amount of oil as you move from one part of your body to the next. escort this area more gently. 
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